Regalos de Navidad Marca España
Si quieres regalar algo especial estas Navidades, apuesta por piezas 'made in Spain'.
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Samantha Vallejo-Nágera. Libélulas Canarias
Samantha, la famosa presentadora de MasterChef Celebrities.
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Así fue la actuación de St. Pedro con 'Dos extraños', segundo en la final del Benidorm Fest 2024. El artista canario, que ha actuado en segunda posición en la gran final del festival, era el favor...
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Brillante sofisticación. Si tenemos que definir un estilo, diríamos que es elegante y femenino.
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Confidencias de hermanas. Shaila Dúrcal y Carmen Morales
Es muy difícil que a las hermanas se les borre la sonrisa de la cara, ni siquiera aún recordando la ausencia de sus padres. Sobre estas líneas, mandando un espléndido primer plano de Shaila Durcal,...
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Llegan las prendas comprometidas con el medioambiente, el estilo retro y las joyas más sorprendentes.
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Alma Obregón, repostera y escritora.
Con vestido asimétrico y bicolor; y cadena de plata con baño de oro y colgante de pez, de Platonic Jewels, 110 €.
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Marta Hazas nos cuenta su historia.
Estrenan su proyecto más personal, la película ‘Amigos hasta la muerte’, que producen y protagonizan y de cuyo guion y dirección se ha encargado también Veiga.
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David Summers y Chistine Cambeiro
El cine nos invita a soñar como espectadores con la magia de las películas. Consigue que atravesemos la cuarta pared, que nos pongamos en la piel de los personajes y que nos emocionemos con ellos...
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Elena Anaya: "Soy respetuosa, dulce, peculiar. Y también una salvaje que a veces bufa como un guepardo"
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The best dresses from the red carpet of the Goya Awards 2023.
The best dresses of the night have paraded along the blue carpet of the 2023 Goya Awards and have once again left us with iconic looks. Even if you don't want to, in the end black ends up domi...
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Rocío Monasterio, politician and architect, jewels herself with Platonic Jewels.
Politician Rocío Monaterio , an architect by profession, loves fashion, and above all, she advocates for the creations of Spanish designers. The leader of VOX in the Community of Madrid says that ...
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Jewelry with Olivina, they have appeared in our jewelry for years.
Platonic Jewels uses in the production of its jewels a semi-precious gem equal to the one ejected from the Cumbre Vieja volcano that erupted on the island of La Palma.
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The importance of your jewelry speaking about you. How to match your rings!
The combination of rings has been in fashion for a long time. What for some has been frightening for others was a question of authenticity, of Be genuine by creating mixes of styles and colors t...
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What do jewelry say about you?
Jewelry is much more than decorations chosen at random to complete our looks. Most women are very selective when purchasing new jewelry because We do not let ourselves be carried away by trends, b...
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On a day like February 14, Valentine's Day and almost without looking for it, I, Jamila El Mahi, find myself reflecting on the different types of loves we have throughout our lives; those loves th...
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How do you combine your jewelry?
Years ago, jewelry stopped being exclusive pieces reserved for special occasions and became part of our daily outfit. The thing is that at some point, almost without realizing it, our mentality ch...
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What ring size do I have? Get your size in two steps.
Something that's pretty easy to answer when they're in my jewelry store. We gladly take the measure of the girls and ladies who come to visit us daily.
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Buy Jewelry. Why is it an investment?
Have you ever thought that to buy jewelry could also be an investment and not just a fancy purchase? Buying gold is a smart way of saving for rainy days, and also a perfect form of being prudent as...
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By why my clients feel such a strong attraction for insects in jewelry When do they come into my jewelry store? It's something I've been wondering about for a while. I founded Platonic Jewels wit...
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Jewelry must always be cared for with great care, regardless of its composition. Jewelry is pieces of great value and, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, they are very delicate, so we must a...
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Sometimes, some people may have some type of skin allergy caused by jewelry . The symptoms of these allergic reactions include itching, redness and even slight swelling of the skin. At PLATONIC we ...
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